Hi all! Today I bring you a quick nice tip for the floor generator plugin, you can add multiple texture to your instances, let's see how

1. create a plane for the floor

2. Run floor generator plugin
download it here: http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=57424
set your boards dimensions, it works in mm

3. Download /buy a pack of board textures , I love that ones from cg-source
in the Material options choose Rand_Tex

4. Select the folder where you have your textures, and choose one

5. Note that the name of the texture, match the Board size, and the dimensions to the texture size

6. scroll down to select all the textures

7. Add the dimensions to the texture size

8. Select create groups and create bevel if you wish

9. select an internal point of the plane and generate the boards, this can take some time

10. floor is generated , YEAH!!, now let's check the textures

11. Make sure to change the dimensions of the board size , to the dimensions of the texture in default sketchup Material editor

12. Here you have it all the texture fit the foard dimensions

13. edit the texture in your render material editor

14. here is the final result

That's all folks , see you in the next gig!!